Backing up your project folder

Be sure to backup your project folder on a regular basis. If anything happens to your project folder SD card, you'll have a backup version in your class folder.

  1. Note: Do not connect to your class folder until you are done working for the day. Always back up your project folder before leaving the lab.

  2. Click here to connect to your class folder using a JAMS Lab or CCL Mac.

  3. Your browser will ask if you would like to proceed. Click the affirmative option (Open Finder, Yes, Launch Application, etc.)

  4. A dialog box will appear. Enter your ePanther password and click Connect. The JAMS drive will appear on your Desktop.

  5. In the Finder window, double-click your course number folder and your Lastname-Firstname folder to navigate into your class folder.

  6. In you class folder, create a new folder using today's date as its name using this format: 3-8-2023. Note: Do not use slashes in the folder name.

  7. With the Finder window still selected, press Command N (on keyboard) to open a second Finder window.

  8. In the second Finder window, select your project folder SD card (under Locations on left.) Your project folder SD card will be named JAMS followed by a number.

  9. Click and drag your project folder from your project folder SD card into the folder you created in Step 6. Important: Make sure you click and drag the project from your project folder SD card into the folder you created in Step 6 (not the other way around.)

Last updated