Uploading videos

With a standard (free) account, videos uploaded to YouTube cannot exceed 20 gigs in size or 15 minutes in duration.

  1. Connect to your class folder using a JAMS Lab or CCL Mac.

  2. In YouTube, click the Upload button (up arrow in upper-right.)

  3. In your class folder, navigate to and select your exported MP4 video file. Click and drag the video file into the Select files to upload area in the browser. Your video will be processed by YouTube (this may take a few minutes.)

  4. As your video is being processed, give it a new (relevant) name. Enter a desciption and add tags.

  5. Click the Advanced settings tab. In the Comments area, deselect Allow comments.

  6. When finished, click Publish. YouTube will display a direct link to your video. Follow the link to view your video.

Last updated